Primary Coordinator’s Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am so happy to welcome you all to the 2020 academic year. I would like to acknowledge the increase in our student enrolments and welcome all our new families to the IDC family.


As a precautionary measure for the Coronavirus outbreak, our school assemblies have been suspended until further notice. Teachers will be presenting certificates and awards in their classrooms. We will update parents as circumstances change. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Buddy Program

Our Better Buddy program is well underway and our students have already developed very strong friendships. Our Year 6 and Foundation team are working well together and we are seeing the Better Buddies values demonstrated by both the foundation students and year six. Thank you to all our teachers who have made this program such a success.

School Tours

I am excited to announce that primary school tours have began each Friday. We have a number of new facilities and infrastructure in place at IDC and I take great pride in sharing these new additions to our school with our community. Please make an appointment with Ms Azra Vatic to organise a place on a school tour.

Parent Home Visits

I would like to thank all foundation parents for inviting teachers into their homes. I personally loved visiting you to meet your family and I truly appreciate your warm hospitality. I hope we have more opportunities in the future to visit you again.

Moonlight Cinema

What a great turn out we had for our moonlight cinema event. We thank all families who attended and supported us on the night. Our commitment to establishing a strong and supportive school community is paramount. I look forward to feedback and suggestions from parents, please feel free to e-mail me via SEQTA to provide me with any ideas and suggestions for future school events.


All our primary classes were able to take part in interactive incursions in the beginning of the year, and some year groups attended off-site excursions to enhance their learning. Our teachers aim to organise exciting excursions and incursions that will enrich students’ curriculum.

Due to current circumstances regarding the coronavirus outbreak, we are suspending all excursions and incursions until further notice. We will update you all as circumstances chance.

SEQTA Requirements

We kindly request parents to please update their personal information on SEQTA. Please advise relevant teachers of any medical issues. If your child requires any medical action plans to be completed please see Mrs Marziah Mahmood at your earliest convenience.


It is crucial for your child to attend school each day. Attending school on a daily basis increases your child’s independence and education, gives them ownership of their classroom and connects them to their peers. If your child is absent, please provide the office with a medical certificate upon your child’s return to school.

If you would like to see me in person, my new office is located next to the secondary boys locker area. Please make an appointment via Mrs Vatic at reception.

I hope everyone has a successful 2020 academic year.

Warmest Regards,
Ms Ozlem Coskun
Primary Coordinator